Monday, May 31, 2010

A Blip In Time

We are going to be taking a brief hiatus in June. I am going on vacation and thus, I will have no time to record. I'm quite certain that my vacation will give me all sorts of new things to talk about... so you should look forward to my return.

We will have 2 more episodes coming your way before the hiatus. We recorded Episode 9 about a week and a half ago and I've been delaying the post to hold all 3 of our listeners over through June. (This really just means that I haven't edited it... and I haven't had time to edit it... so yeah...) I am going to just cut Loose Lips out of Episode 9 since it will no longer be relevant. We are planning to record Episode 10 on Monday the 7th or Tuesday the 8th and I will work on getting those edited right away and posted before I leave on vacation. So you will have 2 new episodes... and possibly a blooper episode... for the rest of the month when we're gone.

We'll be resuming regularly scheduled podcasting in July! Don't forget out us, losers.


PS- My next Open Letter topic just came to me... I can't wait. It's going to be a good one.
PSS- I had an Open Letter written to Gary Coleman... but now it just seems inappropriate. Crystal wants me to read it, so I'll hold on to it and maybe read it for Halloween. "Dear Ghost of Gary Coleman..."
PSSS- Why does everyone write PSS when it really should be PPS? It's not post script script... it should be post post script.
PPPPS- Did I just blow your mind? How many of you didn't know what PS stood for?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Episode 8- We Agree On Kate Beckinsale

I know... I know... I have been posting episodes SUPER late recently. I have been so damn busy that I can barely find time to write my material! Give me a break, I have a life, you know! Also, my editing has been very hasty because I'm doing it on the fly so if you hear an echo or two, convince yourself it's just in your head and live with it.

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*Vote! In our Weird News Poll!
*Ashley's RX situation got all worked out
*Snoop license plate? Click HERE to vote!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Ashley has a burger to pick with the Squeeze In
*Meghan is annoyed with these cities trying to boycott Arizona... and even more annoyed with their ignorant comments. A secret guest also gives their input...

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 ladies we would go gay for.
*It's really awkward when we come up with the same obscure person.

-Weird News-
*Elvis died from not being able to poop. Apparently.
*Read it HERE.

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*Celebrities!?!? Gossip?!?! Yes. Listen to the podcast to find out more.

-Website of the Week-
*Meghan reviews Man Babies.

*Meghan reviews a new Wii game called Just Dance.
*Ashley reviews a Sacramento restaurant called Suzie's

-An Open Letter-
*Ashley things people with Coexist bumper stickers need to GET REAL!
*Meghan wants them to know that if they want to Coexist with me... they need to go the damn speed limit.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Elvis couldn't go poo, and then he died.
VOTE: Weird News Poll!
Man Babies
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Episode 7- John Mayer is Dirty

I'm just going to briefly touch on the highlights of this one...

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*Vote! In our Weird News Poll!

-That Steams My Buns-
*User submitted: Izzy's buns are steaming that Europe has made it illegal to smack your kids. The UK won't agree to have this as a law, EU is trying to threaten them to. Read all about it HERE.
*Meghan's buns are steaming about the kids who were told to turn their shirts inside out because they were wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo.
*Ashley is having issues with her Rx

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 celebrities we want to come out of the closet even if there is no rumor attached...

-Weird News-
*Monkey meatballs? Gross.
*Read it HERE

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*So many things this week. People magazine's lame gay celebrity, Bret Michaels out of the hospital, David Boreanez and Rachel Uchitel? Awkward...

-Website of the Week-
*Ashley picks the website of the week... Passive Aggressive Notes!

-An Open Letter-
*Meghan hates Beyonce's hair. What else is new? We have issues with hair people.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Monkey Meatballs
VOTE: Weird News Poll!
Passive Aggressive Notes
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Episode 6- This Episode is Late. Blame Ikea.

As the title may have indicated, this episode is late and you should blame Ikea. I, Meghan, do all of our editing after we record... and I threw out my back on Sunday putting together a new Ikea bed. I didn't feel like editing, I felt like sitting around and crying, so that's what I did. And I threw this podcast together in haste... so if you hear some echos and if Ashley says a bad word right after one of our intro clips... that's why.

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*Happy Birthday to my little cousin Emily. The day we recorded, it was her birthday. Woot!
*One of our loyal listeners, Ryan Loof, is running in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. Please donate HERE!! It's a great cause, and we're very much in support of curing and eliminating breast cancer!
*Vote! In our Weird News Poll!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Meghan thinks Judge Judy needs to take a Xanex
*Ashley is going to start letting infants die because she's tired of being told her iron is too low to donate blood.

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 reasons we hate cats.
*Ashley has a cat. This topic was her idea. Hmm...

-Weird News-
*User submitted Weird News this week! Thanks Izzy!!
*Can you disappear in surveillance Britain? The answer, apparently, is no.
*Read the story HERE!

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*People magazine is going to be a closet door for someone... who will be the gay celebrity featured on the May 5th issue??? Well, we already know this by now. It's Chely Wright. It's funny because we never guess it would be her. Mostly because Ashley had no idea who it was and Meghan forgot she existed. The weird part is that the website we mention- Jezebel... is the name of one of Chely's hit songs. That tricky bitch!
*Julia Roberts is People's Most Beautiful. Does anyone else agree? Likely, no.
*Sandra Bullock filed for divorce AND she has a baby! What!?
*We want Bret Michaels to get well soon. It worked, he's better now.
*Tito Ortiz and Jenna Jameson? *snore*...
*No more Office? No Anchorman 2?? Say it ain't so!

-Website of the Week-
*Meghan reviews The Blog of "Unnecessary" Quotations.

*Meghan Reviews Up In The Air. See it!
*Ashley Reviews Lisa Lampanelli's book, Chocolate Please. Read it!

-An Open Letter-
*Ashley wants you IT people to stop being douches.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Can you disappear in surveillance Britain?
VOTE: Weird News Poll!
The Blog of "Unnecessary" Quotations
An Open Letter to IT Guys (coming soon)
Donate to Ryan Loof
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,