Monday, April 26, 2010

Episode 5- We Meant Danish...

The Big 5!

So basically, I said there may be bloopers along w/ this episode, but I lied to you. I have too much to do to put together the blooper reel. We'll attempt to throw a blooper bit in w/ Episode 10, so keep listening. :)

This episode title is in reference to one of our mistakes. I realized after we had finished recording that we meant Danish cartoonist... not Swiss or Swedish cartoonist. I also meant to say "$30,000 idiot" not "$300,000 idiot". You know me by now.

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*I don't think Itunes is ever going to remove the podcast, so this is the last time we'll mention it.
*David and Swingset Committee have entered a remix contest!! You probably already knew that since we keep mentioning it, but if you haven't voted yet, please do. Click HERE to read a letter from David about how and where to vote.
*My little cousin Margaret is in the running to win a scholarship! It ends on April 30th so vote now please!! CONTEST LINK.
*One of our loyal listeners, Ryan Loof, is running in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. Please donate HERE!! It's a great cause, and we're very much in support of curing and eliminating breast cancer!
*Ashley got her wisdom teeth out. Hilarity ensues.
*Hi Selica!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Ashley hates advice nurses for not giving her any useful advice besides "go to the doctor". What's the point?!?
*Meghan is annoyed at your stupidity when you are a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. Sometimes she wants you to buy a vowel, other times she doesn't... Basically, she just wants you to quit being a DUMBASS.

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 things that we need that have not been invented yet.
*Most of these items involve our desire to not have to interact with other people.

-Weird News-
*Man gets arrested and license suspended for driving drunk... in a Barbie car. No, seriously.
*This makes Meghan very angry. We have set up a POLL! Please take our poll HERE , but only after you have read the story.
*Read about it here.

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*Sandra Bullock has been spotted without her wedding ring! I wonder why...
*Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been threatened by terrorists over South Park's 200th episode. As a result, their 201st episode sucked. I know now because I actually watched it.
*FYI- We meant Danish...

-Website of the Week-
*Office Tally
*Ashley loves The Office. If you do too, you'll enjoy this website.

*Don't see Clash of the Tits. What?? Titans? Ohhh, like mythology? So why did everyone want to see it so badly? Fighting? Gotcha.
*Go to BevMo, buy Martinelli's Sparking Prickly Passion Lemonade. It will change your life.

-An Open Letter-
*Meghan is really angry with Hulk Hogan for having low policy limits and not realizing he needed higher ones. If you know Meghan, you will understand why. If not, just listen to or read her letter HERE.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Man Loses License over Barbie Car DUI
VOTE: Weird News Poll!
Office Tally
An Open Letter to Hulk Hogan
Vote for Swingset Committee
Vote for Margaret
Donate to Ryan Loof
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Episode 4- Kris Allen is a Titillating Cumquat

Welcome to Episode 4!

It only took me forever to get this uploaded. It simply would NOT work... until I used my old computer and it connected and uploaded immediately. Wtf??

Just when we thought we had our audio kinks worked out, we regress and start having problems again. Now Ashley can be heard a little too well. I'm sorry if she scares you a little bit in parts, specifically during the Top 5 list. We hope to have this all figured out by about 2015.

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*I don't think Itunes is ever going to remove the podcast.
*Thank you to Ryan Loof for providing us with this story about Tila Tequila. Guess what everyone? She finally had that fake miscarriage.
*David and Swingset Committee have entered a remix contest!! Please go vote for them! We really appreciate all their help and their remix kicks ass! Click HERE to read a letter from David about how and where to vote.
*My little cousin Margaret is in the running to win a scholarship! It's really simple to vote. You just have to enter your email address and you can vote once per day. Please vote!! CONTEST LINK.
*This came up after the recording date, but one of our loyal listeners, Ryan Loof, is running in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. Please donate HERE!! It's a great cause, and we're very much in support of curing and eliminating breast cancer!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Meghan is annoyed that tech support makes her talk to them for 2 1/2 hours before they finally give in and give her what she knew was wrong with the computer in the first place.
*Ashley hates the FCC for all the unnecessary censorship in the world. G*% D^$# those m*&%@#f&@*&%$.

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 words that sound dirty, but aren't.
*This conversation is titillating, stimulation, and... shuttlecock.

-Weird News-
*Man tries to bite off finger prints, police have to let him go because they now have no proof. No not really, he still got arrested.
*Read about it here.

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*We cover some awkward news here. Larry King, the sex symbol of America, is getting a divorce. Elliot Spitzer's hooker has a long face, she's also naked. Could it be?? Tiger Woods is getting a divorce?? What could have caused this?? Mel Gibson decides he wants to be a swinging bachelor. Matthew Fox is a pervert.

-Website of the Week-
*wwtdd>TMZ>Perez>Star Magazine

*Watch Modern Family!
*Read a book about BTK!

-An Open Letter-
*Ashley wants Kris Allen to wise up... he cannot grow a mustache.
*Read it here: coming soon

-Coming Soon!-
*Bloopers! We plan to have a blooper episode as a companion along with Episode 5. We make lots of mistakes.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Man Tries to Bite Off Finger Prints
An Open Letter to Kris Allen
Vote for Swingset Committee
Vote for Margaret
Donate to Ryan Loof
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Episode 3- This Episode Wasn't Meant to Be

The third episode! You may be confused by the title... just know this. We recorded this episode twice. The second recording was almost lost because my computer basically broke... and I would have lost my side... but my friendly Dell tech support helped me get it all back.

We have worked out some of our kinks w/ the audio levels thanks to David from Swingset Committee. Thanks David!!! Ashley can now be heard!

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*I don't know what's going on with Itunes, they still have not removed our podcast from my initial request... maybe they never will. Who knows?!? If they do... do not worry. We'll have it right back up in a jiffy. Check the notes for Episode 1 and 2 to see how to download manually.
*David and Swingset Committee have entered a remix contest!! Please go vote for them! We really appreciate all their help and their remix kicks ass! Click HERE to read a letter from David about how and where to vote.
*My little cousin Margaret is in the running to win a scholarship! It's really simple to vote. You just have to enter your email address and you can vote once per day. Please vote!! CONTEST LINK.
*Special thanks to Ryan Loof for an Itunes shoutout, Crystal for a facebook shoutout, and Jason Rico for making a Top 5 audio clip for us! Thank you guys!!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Ashley is mad about the lack of OCD in this world. Put your sticker on straight bitch! Why you gotta be putting numbers on upsidedown at the gas station!?
*Meghan really hates tracking numbers. Don't tell me that my package is 20 miles away from me but I can't have it for another 4 days. (PS- As of post time... my package has still not arrived... it was supposed to arrive today, Monday. It went out on their damn truck for delivery... I stayed home all day... and at 5:45, I checked the website and they had returned it to the shipping facility. You'll hear more about this in Episode 4. Trust me.)
*Yes, that was my phone getting a text message. I forgot to edit it out. Maybe it will make you think that we're real... down to earth people. (We're not)

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 superpowers I would want/use for the wrong reasons
*Could there be something about avoiding awkward conversations/eye contact with strangers? Perhaps.

-Weird News-
*A warrant for your arrest because you fail to return a DVD you borrowed from the library? Yep. Feels like an episode from Seinfeld.
*Check out this crazy news story from The Denver Post.

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*We cover several crazy gossip stories... including... but not limited to: Sandra Bullock has a sex tape?!?, Jim and Jenny split, Someone thinks Erin Andrews should die (we disagree), Two podcasting women named sexiest man alive by People magazine??. Haha, no... I made one of those things up. It's anyone's guess, really.

-Website of the Week-
*As Ashley was doing her little explanation of this website... I actually had to put my mic on mute because I burst out laughing at the cake that said "Happy Last Birthday Patrice". I mean really... who names their kid "Patrice"?

-An Open Letter-
*This week, Meghan has a lesson or two to teach Tila Tequila. Most of them revolve around not being such a whore.
*Read it here: An Open Letter To Tila Tequila

-Special Thanks-
*Again, a thousand thanks to Ryan Loof, Crystal, Jason Rico, and David from Swingset Committee for all their help and kind words.

-Coming Soon!-
*Bloopers! We plan to have a blooper episode as a companion along with Episode 5. We make lots of mistakes.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Arrested for Late DVD, Judge Fired
An Open Letter to Tila Tequila
Vote for Swingset Committee
Vote for Margaret
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Episode 2- Keeping It Un-Political

Our very second podcast!!!

Warning: The audio levels are off a little bit. Ashley sounds like she's whispering and I sound like I'm shouting (I am). If you are listening to the podcast in the car... or... well, anywhere... be warned that right after Weird News comes the intro to Loose Lips Sink Ships, with the "gun shots". I made the damn podcast and it scared the crap out of me when I was in the car. SORRY! I'll have it fixed for the next one.
Update: I adjusted the audio levels on the afternoon of 4/5, so Loose Lips shouldn't totally give you a heart attack, but if you downloaded before now... it will still be all funky. Good luck.

So yes, as with the last one, we’re still working out the kinks... so bear with us. We’re trying, damn you.

Side note: It’s always painful to go back and listen to yourself speak. Don’t ever decide to do a podcast. For instance, why did I say “yourself” instead of “yourselves”? I was referring to many people!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME SMALLS!

Here are some highlights:

-Banter and News-

Ashley did not have to work on Friday. The furlough ban has been appealed and so furloughs are back on. This is both a positive and negative development.
We have a fan letter! Thanks Crystal, keep listening.
We are having some issues with Itunes right now, but it should be all completed in the next few weeks. It’s on there right now, but I can’t guarantee it will be there. For the time being, you can go to Advanced-->Subscribe to Podcast, and type in the show feed URL, which is "".

-That Steams My Buns-
Meghan is annoyed when she text messages you and instead of texting back, you call her. Stop doing that.
Ashley has a bone to pick with bananas.

-Top 5 List-
We have two top 5 lists this week to keep things un-biased, politically.
What are the top 5 nicest things you would say about Barak Obama AND George W. Bush if the secret service forced you to.
Ashley sort of lets it slip who she prefers, Meghan keeps things neutral.

-Weird News-
Old people stealing Jell-O. What?! Jell No!
Side note, why Ashley gotta be knockin’ on Werther's originals?!?

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
To the devastation of straight women, but to the delight of gay men everywhere, Ricky Martin has announced that he is gay.
We then go off on a little tangent about other celebrities who have recently come out of the closet.
Ashley doesn’t get Meghan’s Seinfeld reference.
PS- That song w/ Christina Aguilera was called Nobody Wants to be Lonely

-Website of the Week-

Only on week 2 and we’ve already added a new segment.
Ashley spoils The Hurt Locker for you.
Meghan yells at her about it and then spoils New Moon for you.
We want more sexual tension.

-Special Thanks-
Thank you again to Swingset Committee for providing the music for our intro and extro! Check them out Itunes or online.
Swingset Committee Myspace

Also, we didn’t mention this on the show because it’s something that just came up today but we’ll mention it on the next show. Swingset Committee remixed a song for a contest and they want you to vote for it. Click HERE to read a message from David with a link to the website for the contest.

-Coming Soon!-

Quick Links:
Weird News, Old Couple Busted!

Vote for Swingset Committee!
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley's Twitter
Meghan's Twitter
Show Twitter
Email the Show

Love and Buttercups,