Monday, April 12, 2010

Episode 3- This Episode Wasn't Meant to Be

The third episode! You may be confused by the title... just know this. We recorded this episode twice. The second recording was almost lost because my computer basically broke... and I would have lost my side... but my friendly Dell tech support helped me get it all back.

We have worked out some of our kinks w/ the audio levels thanks to David from Swingset Committee. Thanks David!!! Ashley can now be heard!

Here are some highlights:
-Banter and News-
*I don't know what's going on with Itunes, they still have not removed our podcast from my initial request... maybe they never will. Who knows?!? If they do... do not worry. We'll have it right back up in a jiffy. Check the notes for Episode 1 and 2 to see how to download manually.
*David and Swingset Committee have entered a remix contest!! Please go vote for them! We really appreciate all their help and their remix kicks ass! Click HERE to read a letter from David about how and where to vote.
*My little cousin Margaret is in the running to win a scholarship! It's really simple to vote. You just have to enter your email address and you can vote once per day. Please vote!! CONTEST LINK.
*Special thanks to Ryan Loof for an Itunes shoutout, Crystal for a facebook shoutout, and Jason Rico for making a Top 5 audio clip for us! Thank you guys!!

-That Steams My Buns-
*Ashley is mad about the lack of OCD in this world. Put your sticker on straight bitch! Why you gotta be putting numbers on upsidedown at the gas station!?
*Meghan really hates tracking numbers. Don't tell me that my package is 20 miles away from me but I can't have it for another 4 days. (PS- As of post time... my package has still not arrived... it was supposed to arrive today, Monday. It went out on their damn truck for delivery... I stayed home all day... and at 5:45, I checked the website and they had returned it to the shipping facility. You'll hear more about this in Episode 4. Trust me.)
*Yes, that was my phone getting a text message. I forgot to edit it out. Maybe it will make you think that we're real... down to earth people. (We're not)

-Top 5 List-
*The top 5 superpowers I would want/use for the wrong reasons
*Could there be something about avoiding awkward conversations/eye contact with strangers? Perhaps.

-Weird News-
*A warrant for your arrest because you fail to return a DVD you borrowed from the library? Yep. Feels like an episode from Seinfeld.
*Check out this crazy news story from The Denver Post.

-Loose Lips Sink Ships-
*We cover several crazy gossip stories... including... but not limited to: Sandra Bullock has a sex tape?!?, Jim and Jenny split, Someone thinks Erin Andrews should die (we disagree), Two podcasting women named sexiest man alive by People magazine??. Haha, no... I made one of those things up. It's anyone's guess, really.

-Website of the Week-
*As Ashley was doing her little explanation of this website... I actually had to put my mic on mute because I burst out laughing at the cake that said "Happy Last Birthday Patrice". I mean really... who names their kid "Patrice"?

-An Open Letter-
*This week, Meghan has a lesson or two to teach Tila Tequila. Most of them revolve around not being such a whore.
*Read it here: An Open Letter To Tila Tequila

-Special Thanks-
*Again, a thousand thanks to Ryan Loof, Crystal, Jason Rico, and David from Swingset Committee for all their help and kind words.

-Coming Soon!-
*Bloopers! We plan to have a blooper episode as a companion along with Episode 5. We make lots of mistakes.

Quick Links:
Weird News, Arrested for Late DVD, Judge Fired
An Open Letter to Tila Tequila
Vote for Swingset Committee
Vote for Margaret
Swingset Committee Myspace
Ashley Twitter
Meghan Twitter
Show Twitter
Email The Show

Love and Buttercups,

1 comment:

  1. I think this website looks very fancy. And even though I know the content we talk about, I still like to read the postings. Meghan rocks. The end.
